DCFR database: Work in progress

Academic works

DannemannGerhardContracts and other Juridical Acts in the DCFR2012contained in: The Draft Common Frame of Reference: national and comparative perspectives, p.9-20, Vincent Sagaert, Matthias E. Storme and Evelyne Terryn (eds), Intersentia Publishing Ltd, Cambridge 2012,English
LimmerP.Cadre commun de référence et liberté contractuelle2009RDC 2009, 860French
EidenmüllerHorstParty Autonomy. Distributive Justice and the Conclusion of Contracts in the DCFR2009ERCL 2009, 109English
WhittakerSimon2008Simon Whittaker; St. John's College, University of Oxford, 2008Englishcommissioned by the Ministry of Justice
Schulze ReinerThe Academic Draft of the CFR and the EC Contract Law2008contained in Common Frame of Reference and Existing EC Contract Law, Sellier European Law Publishers, 2008, p.3 - 23English