DCFR database: Work in progress

Academic works

KaloutaGalateia  TinaThe Draft Common Frame of Reference in the Courts. The Remaking of Comparative Law.2015Courts and Comparative Law. Edited by Mads Andenas and Duncan Fairgrieve. Oxford University Press 2015, 696-718EnglishHow the DCFR has been applied by national Supreme Courts as well as by the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
LoosMarcoSales Law in the DCFR2012contained in: The Draft Common Frame of Reference: national and comparative perspectives, p.453-489, Vincent Sagaert, Matthias E. Storme and Evelyne Terryn (eds), Intersentia Publishing Ltd, Cambridge 2012English
Dang VuTâm
'Don't find fault, find a remedy'2011ERPL 2011, 855-872English
WilhelmCharlotteDie Rechtsbehelfe des Käufers bei Nichterfüllung nach dem Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission für eine Verordnung über ein Gemeinsames Europäisches Kaufrecht (KOM [2011] endg.)2011IHR 2011, 225-235German
MeierSonjaSchuldnermehrheiten im europäischen Vertragsrecht2011ACP 2011, 435-490German
WattHoratia Muir
Fitting the frame: an optional instrument, party choice and mandatory/ default rules2010contained in: European private law after the Common Frame of Reference, edited by edited by Micklitz and Cafaggi,Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK, Northampton, MA, USAEnglish
LoosMarco2010Centre for the study of European Contract Law Working Paper Series,No. 2010/04English
PomboFernandoLimited liability provisions, foreseeability of damage, specific performance2009RDC 2009, 928English
Vaquer AloyAntoni2009 ERPL 2009, 487English
2009English Draft; edited by Luisa Antoniolli and Francesca Fiorentini;assessment carried out as part of the “Joint Network of European Private Law Project (CoPECL), financed by the EU Commission, Contract No. 513351.
JózonMónika2008Juridica International 2008, 199-208English